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Personnel Policy

On the crew, you are a key component of a work environment where communication, safety, professional development, teamwork and proper tree care are all top priority!


You must be able to be humble, learn new knots and other hands on skills.  You are expected to lift heavy logs, drag brush and run a rake in high humidity as well as freezing cold; all this with a smile on your face and a good attitude in your step!

Communication is key. Hard hats are provided and equipped with an intercom system. These are mandatory and used to give "Stand Clear" and "All Clear" command/responses.  Constant talk about each operation is essential, with some personal chatter being allowed; as long as there is a KEEN awareness of the current operation and the next step.  

Phones can be kept readily available for emergency preparedness, but shall not be a distraction.  Especially during critical procedures.  


No smoking on the work site.  If this is an issue, you will need to drive to the work site and only smoke when/if we all take a food break, off from the property of the homeowner.  Cigarette butts will be disposed of properly. 


Always be prepared to be first responders to an emergency.

(Our own, or someone else’s)


There will only be clean language on the work site.


Dress Code:

High visibility shirts/vests must be warn, especially when working along a road.  No tears in the seat of the pants or excessively ragged looking.

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